Relative VUP performance for OpenBSD supported VAX hardware ----------------------------------------------------------- Family Model Sub-Model VUP SCSI MicroVAX 2000 0.9 3100 10,20 2.4 yes 10e,20e 3.5 yes 30,40 5 yes 80 10 yes 85 16 yes 90 24 yes 3300 2.4 VAXstation 2000 0.9 3100 30,40 2.8 yes 38,48 3.8 yes 76 7.6 yes 4000 VLC 6 yes 60 12 yes 90 40 yes 96 45.6 yes VAX 4000 100 24 yes 105 32 yes 200 5 300 8 400 16 500 24 500A 24 600 32? 700A 40 Fields: VUP: VAX Unit of Performance (1=VAX 11/780) Can be used to aproximatly rate the performance between 2 VAXs (there are other factors) SCSI: if SCSI is supported by OpenBSD (based on (blank means "no") Notes: - VUP data taken mostly from NetBSD VAX hardware reference - Supported system taken from - The naming convention differs between different VAX families and between members of the same family. You may find VAX machine names written in various style like: MicroVAX 3100 m10 or MicroVAX 3100 model 10 VAXstation 3100 m30 or VAXstation 3100 model 30 VAXstation 4000/VLC VAXstation 4000/60 or VAXstation 4000 m60 VAX 4300 or VAX 4000/300 $Id: openbsd-supported-vax-vup-perf.txt,v 1.7 2004/07/07 21:25:07 harpagon Exp $